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Staffa is an island of the Inner Hebrides in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. According to the PTS Standing Committee reports made in the late 1960's which are fully documented, "Tourists visiting the island can post mail using private local issues in addition to normal postage stamps". The local stamp fees paid for the service of the boatman taking them to the mainland in Oban and having British stamps applied before sending on through the postal system. Numerous covers exist showing proper usage of the labels as per the rules set forth for British local stamp usage. The recommended description by the committee was to call them "tourist souvenir labels". Known covers proving usage exist dating to 1980. Status could change for later usage. Staffa labels were all produced for or by Clive Feigenbaum. Abusive production is proven and later issues are considered bogus as the mailbox used on Staffa for this service was removed sometime in the 1980's. No covers dating after 1980 seem to exist, therefore Staffa labels made after that year, of which the majority date after 1980, are considered to be bogus labels created and produced by Feigenbaum for personal profits from collectors. Bogus catalogs exist claiming all of them to be British Local stamps. Some of these labels in the name of Staffa were used in a tax shelter scheme in the early 1980's of which the defendants were convicted.